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Family Impact Stories: Meet Deanna, Marie's Mom

Between Horses and Humans

Meet Marie's mom, Dianna. When Marie lost her father, Deanna was unsure of how to make her daughter feel better. She asked her what would help, and Marie said horses. Deanna remembered seeing flyers for Between Horses and Humans and contacted them to enroll Marie. Three years later, she is grateful for the impact Between Horses and Humans has made for her daughter and her family.

Video Transcript

Hi, my name is Marie, and I am 13, and I've been writing here for three years.

Hi, my name is Deanna, and I am Marie's mom. This program has been so wonderful for her and her whole family. We suffered the loss of her daddy, he had cancer, and in fact, he was the one who was getting her ready for regular horse lessons, and that was wonderful.

But then when he passed, I was just talking to Marie. She had had other support, but, you know, I wanted to dig a little deeper into what would help her feel better. So I sat down with her, you know, on the bed and said, you know, Marie, what makes you feel better? And she said, horses.

I've seen the flyers for Between Horses and Humans, and I thought I'd just give them a call. And it's just been such a blessing because, you know, there've been some morning, you know, teens don't always want to talk all that much, and sometimes she wouldn't be saying much at all.

So I'd bring her here and I would drop her off, and when I would come get get her, she would just be lit up with joy and confidence. There was some, she had some struggles in school, too. Everything was impacted, COVID and all of that.

But since then, and I really contribute to the horse, her confidence, her poise, her cheerfulness has just grown exponentially. You know, when I see her with the horse, just to see that rapport and then see that confidence build over in her everyday life is just, it's been wonderful. It's incredible. I'm really thankful.



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