Join our Board of Directors!
Do you have a passion for horses and for helping youth? You might just be a great addition to our Board of Directors!
BHH Staff
Seanna Jackson - Program Director
Hi! My name is Seanna Jackson, horses have been my passion since I first met one when I was a little girl. I started riding at age five and have spent the past 25 years immersed in everything from training young horses and competing in English disciplines to team roping and barrel racing. My journey took me to Texas, where I expanded my skills, but I eventually returned home to Carson Valley, where I built my horse training business and pursued my growing interest in mental health and personal development.
Through these experiences, I witnessed the profound impact that horses can have on our emotional well-being. They teach us patience, trust, and resilience, qualities that are so important, especially for youth facing life challenges. This realization and work then led me to BHH, where I now have the privilege of combining my love and knowledge of horses with my passion for helping others.
I truly believe in the work we do, and I’m grateful every day for the opportunity to support, mentor, and inspire adults and young people through the magic of these incredible animals.

Christina Erb - Volunteer Coordinator
Hello all! My name is Christina Erb. I was born here in the valley and lived here until I was 14. From there, I have spent the last 18 years living all over the world! I’ve spent different amounts of time living in Denver, Savannah, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Providence, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Bali, and Uruguay. I have worked as a photographer and videographer, social media manager, copywriter and copy editor, and TEFL Teacher.
My love of horses really started during my time in Uruguay, where two horses and a pony lived on the property. I spent most days out in the fields with them, just walking around and watching them eat or standing under trees with them as they napped. After that, I did everything I could to be around horses – I even managed to meet over 100 horses in less than a year! From them all, I learned that horses are the best teachers when it comes to learning how to be around them.
Horses have the beautiful ability to affect you deep in your soul. I’m so excited about all the work we are doing with Between Horses and Humans because I want to help bring that feeling and those principles to people who need it. I look forward to expanding the reach we have so that more people can learn the beauty of time spent with horses.

Board of Directors
Gary Gleason – President
Relationship. If I had to use one word to define what horses represent to me it’s that word. First, horses were a point of relationship, primarily between me and my late father, though with others, too. I remember my father’s stories of riding his horse in what was then a rural area. We regularly rode when on vacations, or when he visited me. One of my fondest memories is a pack trip we took together. I have tried to create some similar memories with my children and hope to do so with my grandchildren.
Then there is the relationship with the horses themselves, and the life lessons they provide. This includes understanding that each horse, and each person, has its personality, strengths, and quirks. I believe you either learn this, and have a good working partnership, or ignore it and have an anemic relationship.
Having spent 30+ years as a civil trial attorney, including my part in managing one law office and founding/running another, I now have the privilege of applying the skills derived from my career to my position as co-President of the wonderful organization we know as BHH. I believe leadership involves several aspects, not the least of which is the ability to be objective and to bring together differing viewpoints, while keeping the overall mission clearly in focus. This requires many of the lessons we learn from horses, such as equanimity, patience, and observation.
Ultimately, I hope that what I bring to BHH will add to what has come before and allow BHH to continue its mission as an even stronger organization.
Kristin Moffitt - Director
My passion for horses grew alongside my youngest daughter's equine journey, making Between Horses and Humans the perfect place for me. I’ve seen firsthand the healing power of these incredible animals and the impact they have on people's lives.
My work with young people and nonprofits began in 2006 as Executive Director of Youth Artworks in Reno, later leading to a role as Art Director for the Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows. I decided to return to school when my daughters were little and earned a Master’s degree in Teaching while working as a Teaching Artist for the Sierra Arts Foundation. Now, I teach part-time and run my own sustainable textile business, balancing family life in Northern Nevada.
Horses have always been a part of my life in some way. Growing up on the north shore of Lake Tahoe, I spent time with horses in Carson Valley but never had one of my own. Now, I feel like I have many! I volunteer with a mustang sanctuary in Northern Nevada and surround myself with those amazing animals several times a week! Thanks to my daughter, we’re immersing ourselves in the equine world, learning all we can, and embracing the healing love that horses offer. Thank you, BHH, for this incredible opportunity!
Nancy Downey – Secretary
I’m a Native Nevadan who grew up owning and loving horses, and I continue to enjoy trail riding to keep me grounded and connected to nature. Since receiving my Master’s Degree in Sociology from UNLV, I have owned a social research consulting firm and taught college courses for the past 30 years.
After moving to Carson Valley in 2005 to teach at UNR, I have been assisting several non-profit organizations with fund-raising events and have seen first-hand how much the children benefit from participating in the Between Horses and Humans programs. I’m honored to have the opportunity to work with this incredibly talented and dedicated group of individuals to further the mission of such an inspiring organization. I’m excited to get down to the business of helping both horses and humans!
Laura Maffitt – Director
I have lived in South Lake Tahoe for over 40 years and love the adventurous lifestyle it offers. In the summer, you’ll find me sailing, boat camping, horseback riding, hiking, and mountain biking. In the winter, I enjoy skiing, snowmobiling, and more time in the saddle.
My love for horses started early with a horse in the backyard as a young teenager. I attended horse camp and participated in anything horse that I could. After a bit of a break, I was finally able to bring them back into my life and started riding whenever I could. When I found Between Horses and Humans, I knew I had discovered my “home.” I began as a volunteer and quickly got involved in PR and social media, using my background in hotel sales, marketing, and management to support the program. I soon joined the Board of Directors and now, as Fundraising Committee Chair, I’m passionate about growing BHH’s impact and sharing the healing power of horses with others.
Trevor Pipkin - Director
My name is Trevor Pipkin. I grew up with Great Danes, so when I had my first experience with a horse, I was immediately in love. The bigger the animal, the better. Horses have a special place in my heart because they have changed my life in so many ways. As a troubled youth, I ended up in some scary situations due to my own actions. When I was about 18, I entered a program that worked with horses and young adults who were having various issues. My horse taught me accountability, humility, confidence, trust, communication, and love. Those were things I had been missing in my life for as long as I could remember. 
My wife and I believe that family, mental health, and service are some of the most important things we can devote our lives to. Therefore, we spend a great deal of our time serving the community, and youths specifically, in ways we feel are best suited to our abilities. When my wife found BHH we dove in with both feet. There are few greater pleasures than watching the bond between a child and a horse grow, and watching the child's confidence, trust, leadership, and joyfulness explode through the roof. The time I spend on the ranch is one of my greatest joys. 
Debbie McFadden - Director
I am a lifelong lover of horses! I got my first horse at the age of 11 and horses have been a part of my life ever since! I have competed in horseshows as a youth and adult and eventually had a small boarding facility at my property in Northern Nevada where I also became involved with Between Horses and Humans. Because horses have had such a positive impact on my life, I am honored to be a part of the BHH board, where I see the positive impact our horses have on the youth in our community. I recently moved with my husband to Arizona to be closer to our family. I am still very involved with my horses and am enjoying riding and competing in my new home state!
Anne Norton - Director
Hello! I’m Annie!
Horses have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My journey with them began at a young age, and at 11, I got my first pony—Speedy! As a teenager, I volunteered at a dude ranch, leading trail rides and working in the barn. After college, I moved to Alaska, where my passion for riding deepened. Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to own five horses and lease two more. In 2012, I found my heart horse, Jupiter, and we shared 11 wonderful years together. I've also had the privilege of learning from exceptional trainers for 14 years.
My path to Between Horses and Humans happened by accident—literally! I had scheduled a lesson on a Friesian horse but ended up at the wrong barn. That "wrong barn" turned out to be BHH, where I met Barbara Slade. She introduced me to the program and some of the incredible students, including a young man who was deaf. Being fluent in ASL, I was able to interpret for him—and just like that, I was part of the program! Working with children and horses has always been a dream of mine, and I quickly realized that BHH was exactly where I was meant to be.
Professionally, my background aligns perfectly with my role at BHH. I spent 25 years in Alaska, working as a mental health therapist for children and adults, specializing in working with the deaf community. Before that, I served as a School Psychologist, helping develop programs for deaf students.
Bringing my love for horses and my passion for helping children together at Between Horses and Humans has been an incredibly rewarding journey, and I’m grateful to be part of this amazing program!